Finding Balance in the Writing World

Brenda Marie Fluharty
3 min readMay 1, 2021

Finding Balance in the Writing World

Writing online for over 20 years, I have learned a lot. My love for writing poetry, article, and other things have taught me some amazing things. It took me a long time to figure what I wanted my blogs to be about and how to set them up. I love writing poetry and short stories, Writing Through the Soul is my blog for that. I love to write spiritual and self-help articles as well. The Spiritual Mystic is my spiritual blog. I have always gone back and forth between the two. I am still trying to find a balance where my writing is concerned. I also write for a couple of different writing sites. Finding balance in the writing world is something I am looking for!

Finding Balance in the Writing World Is Not Easy

Finding Balance in the writing world is difficult for me. I am a go with the flow type person. Meaning I basically write what pops into my head when it does. I finally feel like I have got the basics of blogging and writing online down. I have three blogs and two other sites where I write. Plus, I am working on several novels. I made a promise to myself at the beginning of the year. I would try to write more consistently for all the sites where I write. I am still having trouble balancing all of this out. One thing is for sure, I am writing more.

I did the poetry challenge, and I am proud to say, I wrote a poem every day. Now, I really want to get the article writing thing done. I have joined the Ultimate Blogging Challenge for the month of May. I will use the Spiritual Mystic this time around. It will be the first time I used my spiritual blog in this challenge. I can’t wait to see what happens.

Posting nothing to vocal and very little here on Medium. I will have to do better. But, as all writers know, there is a lot more to blogging than just the writing of articles. We also have to make time to read other writers’ articles, edit, and share articles. Balance in the writing world is not a simple thing, but I am trying.

Finding Balance in the Writing World While Trying New Ideas



Brenda Marie Fluharty

Brenda Marie Fluharty is a Spiritual Life Coach, dream interpreter, a past-life therapist, a freelance writer, blogger, poet, art lover, pet owner, and author.